Friday, 24 April 2015

Social Networking Site:

Sabakuch is a social networking site that allows its user to perform various activities at a single platform. The site was launched in 2015 and aims to offer a unique destination where its users can create three different profiles each available on the same page. The three different portals on Sabakuch page is designed to serve the needs of users both in professional as well as personal terms. O-Zone, My-Zone and Biz-Zone, the trios of Sabakuch have specific functions. O-Zone enables the user to make friends and like their post. Along with this, the user can follow updates of other users also. My-Zone as the name resembles is the space created just for the user to share activities with friends. This zone enables the users to create groups and share updates with public. Biz-Zone allows its users to establish professional relationships by creating profiles and forming connections.  

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